Friday, August 19, 2011

Life is Good, (in a way that is better than what is represented by those dumb t-shirts).

My children dressed themselves this morning. Jesiah said he is from the circus and Presley told me she was from the grocery store. She has also been walking around with random objects, placing them above her lip and yelling "MUSTACHE!!". My kids never cease to amaze me, even when I want to throw them out a window because they are driving me mad.

In addition to that, I have awesome friends. For the first time in my adult life I have a handful of lady friends who really mean a lot to me. People who life just wouldn't be the same without. Recently a few of them have said really thoughtful, caring and beautiful things to me- about how they appreciate who I am, and it is just such a blessing.

Also, the other day I had an awesome devotional, and I wanted to share it but have been too lazy to type the whole thing out. It is titled, "I will Give Thanks", and taken from, "Timeless Truths in Changing Times" by David Cooper:

I will give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever...for the Father and His inescapable presence...for Jesus and His amazing grace...for the Holy Spirit, my companion and guide. I will give thanks in all things...for God works in all things...and God works for the good of those who love him and who are called according to his purpose...there are no coincidences; only divine opportunities. I will give thanks for all things; for things pleasant and for things painful. In pleasant times I experience the heights of happiness; in painful times I learn to lean on Him. I will give thanks for the overlooked blessings of life...the serendipitous grace...the kind word...the encouraging letter...the daily provisions I tend to take for granted...the opportunity to work and be productive...the common routines of every ordinary day. I will give thanks for the hassles of life...a demanding schedule...traffic jams...daily stresses...personal responsibilities...meaningless tasks...inspiring challenges...interruptions...cell phones that make me ubiquitous...all these remind me of the sacred privilege of being alive. I will give thanks for the household of spiritual family which surrounds me with favor and love...the source of God's grace...the body of Christ which enables me to share my gifts...the sanctuary of grace which calls me upward and onward in my spiritual walk. I will give thanks for the Bible...the enduring Word of God...a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path...a sure word in an age of confusion...a timely word in seasons of pain...a reassuring word in the prison of fear...a healing word in the wounds of the soul. I will give thanks for America...for the cost of freedom...the promise of opportunity...the courage of patriotism...the sacrifice of warriors...the glory of the Constitution...and a government of the people, by the people and for the people. I will give thanks for this day...for it is the gift of is the only day I is a day filled with endless opportunities and bright promises...and I shall get everything I can from it and give everything I have to it.

The bold is my doing- but I thought it was a pretty awesome little reading, and wanted to share!

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