Thursday, August 11, 2011

Busy B.

Although I spent most of the day washing walls, baseboards, toilets and dirty clothes- I have a ton to be thankful for! First I am thankful that my kiddos entertained themselves almost all day so I COULD do all that cleaning. They were both very patient and stayed out of my hair, (and cleaning space), almost completely.

Secondly I am thankful for my friend Molly, who had I not made a commitment to run with today I never would have gone the length I did. Plus, she has awesome stuff to say, and the banter makes the running feel

 Third I am thankful for the top layer of my homemade lasagna. Crispy noodle and mozzarella.

Lastly I am thankful that I live in America. I know we have all kinds of problems- debt ceilings, seemingly endless and pointless wars and lying squirmy greedy pharmaceutical company reps, (to name a few)- but really, we are SO BLESSED. We have no need to jump borders in the night with our babies wrapped around us in order to be free and have hope. We don't have to listen to some backwards, insane leader who tells us what to eat and drink and watch and listen to. For the most part we are free to be, and live and love and do as we please and I am really thankful for that.

AND- it's been sunny all afternoon!

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