Monday, September 5, 2011

Non Laboring Day.

I woke up at 9:30am this morning which is the perfect way to start the day off thankfully! It is also Labor day, which means Travis is OFF! Everyday I get to spend hangig out with him pretty much rules and today was no exception. We decided to go to Double Bluff since he had never been. The weather was gorgeous and we had such a nice time. The tide was up, (which it never is), and we saw 3 jellies! One of them was about 1.5 feet wide. It was up on the sand and died when a group of girls attempted to move it with a plastic rake. The same group of little girls had a live one in a bucket.

The one my hand is on was also dead. I just kept thinking about Finding Nemo, when Marlin and Dori are hopping on the tops of all the jellies. It was awesome to see these guys up close and touch them. They look like cherry jello flowers. We also dug for clams and have about 3lbs soaking in our sink. We have never had them- I plan on attempting fresh, homemade clam chowder.

Jesiah's friend from our street Aiden came with us. He is really sweet and plays wonderfully with my little man. I feel like he is the first really good friend Siah has had, in terms of being a sweet, polite and thoughtful kid who just gets along really well with both Jesiah and Pizee....

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